One of the first things we ask our dry eye patients is what drops they use, if any, to treat their dry eyes. The next question is “why that drop?”. Not surprisingly, many people don’t know why they use a particular drop. Maybe it was a sample their previous doctor gave them, maybe they just […]

Dry Eye Institute of Arizona

Eye Care Aisle Overkill

One of the first things we ask our dry eye patients is what drops they use, if any, to treat their dry eyes. The next question is “why that drop?”. Not surprisingly, many people don’t know why they use a particular drop. Maybe it was a sample their previous doctor gave them, maybe they just […]

Dry Eye Institute of Arizona

Eye Care Aisle Overkill

When I was a kid I would help my dad in the yard. It was good work and I usually enjoyed it. Unless it was 6 or 7 AM on a Saturday. But even that you get over pretty quick. But when I was really little I’m sure it was more work to actually have […]

Dry Eye Institute of Arizona

Watery Eyes = Dry Eyes? Actually, yes.

When I was a kid I would help my dad in the yard. It was good work and I usually enjoyed it. Unless it was 6 or 7 AM on a Saturday. But even that you get over pretty quick. But when I was really little I’m sure it was more work to actually have […]

Dry Eye Institute of Arizona

Watery Eyes = Dry Eyes? Actually, yes.